Believe in Your Dream Paths, You Only Can Feel the Risks or Results — Kabir Narayan Jha
Life is full of unpredictable things. For me, unpredictability was how people couldn’t understand me. There could be two reasons for that: either I’m too foolish, or I’m actually very intelligent.
In my childhood, when people ignored me and didn’t support me, it made me doubt myself. I was always wondering if I was doing the right thing. Even though I had many skills, I still struggled with self-doubt. I’ve always been creative, so I see these skills as a blessing.
Between 2015 and 2017, I started building machine learning models and presented them at the Infosys Hackathon. But people made fun of my project, which hurt a lot. At that time, even my elders couldn’t support my research, because in 2015–2017, who could have imagined AI would change the world? But I trusted my work and believed AI would make a big impact someday.
Although I faced many rejections, I kept doubting myself. In 2014, I also started working on an AR/VR project, but it failed due to a lack of funds. Looking back, I believe AR and VR will be a huge business in the next 10 years.
I began to ignore what people said because the future I saw in 2015 was something they couldn’t imagine. This gave me confidence instead of self-doubt. I realized that I might be one of the smartest people, but my environment didn’t allow me to understand my potential.
I learned a lesson from all this and wrote a quote:
“Sometimes the path to your dreams is full of risks or rewards. No one else can see them, but you always can.” — Kabir Narayan Jha
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