Life Lessons of Kabir Narayan Jha, Reinvent Yourself — Motivational Quotes

Kabir Narayan Jha
8 min readJun 11, 2024


Wanna know the life lessons that I (Kabir Narayan Jha) have learnt from life. I wrote few of them in the form of quotes. Hopefully its going to help you too. I wrote all these in my book reinvent yourself : Learn the fundamentals of living happy life with Nothing.

Life lessons of Kabir Narayan Jha

Hoping you would love reading all of my life lessons.

Best Life Changing Motivational Quotes | Kabir Narayan Jha — YouTube

Lesson 1:

An opportunity can create 1000 more opportunities, Just Hold one once for some time.

Lesson 2:

People think they are much smarter. Yeah!!! They are right, They are smart. Cause it’s easy to fool someone by becoming a fool.

Lesson 3:

Your patience has a lot of potential to unlock unexpected successes.

Lesson 4:

In the darkest night of a coming storm, Always have the courage the way to fly beyond clouds.

Lesson 5:

You can’t trust technology, but you can trust yourself, To make that technology believable.

Lesson 6:

Life is like a bird, There is always fear to fall down for the first time. Once you started flying you will never even try to walk.

Lesson 7:

Always Remember !! Future Means Now

Lesson 8:

You can win the whole world with single love or you can lose yourself in a war, Choice is yours.

Lesson 9:

There is always the worst situation in a particular life that never another particular can understand.

Lesson 10:

You might feel happier by purchasing expensive products. Trust me being rich is a much better feeling than just feeling rich, when your assets work itself to purchase you expensive gifts.

Lesson 11:

Being honest about everything is always a great policy because in the end there is something supreme that exists that continuously monitors and balances things.

Lesson 12:

Your simplicity is your real authenticity.

Lesson 13:

Earning The way people in urban and spending the way people in the village is another faster way to become rich.

Lesson 14:

Sometimes your big thinking capabilities work as hope in your failure times.

Lesson 15:

Starting the first day of the year with good things and wasting the rest of 364 days doing nothing doesn’t make sense. In short, make your start bad that should give enough push to make rest better.

Lesson 16:

Make your effort and existence to your loved ones in such a way that you are remembered by the tearful eyes of happiness, No matter wherever you live.

Lesson 17:

Your hope fuels the action feasible enough to make your dreams come true. So never lose the spark behind hope.

Lesson 18:

If you are blessed enough by the resources of nature to fulfill your needs then no other inflation is going to beat you in any way. This is the super faster way to achieve financial freedom.

Lesson 19:

Sometimes you don’t have other options than just believing in something without questioning.

Lesson 20:

“Not everyone will walk with you, some just talk. Find those who can do both, because execution is what matters. Talk is easy, but action is what counts.”

Lesson 21:

Play safe even when the world telling you to go with higher risk and higher returns when you are in the survival zone.

Lesson 22:

Nothing is wrong, Wrong is us.

Lesson 23:

Shape the people’s minds with your efforts

Lesson 24:

Nowadays we are just living for dying, Don’t do that, Instead of that learn to live each moment.

Lesson 25:

If you want to live a happy and fruitful life, You should expert in the art of being satisfied mind with whatever you are having.

Lesson 26:

Sometimes the path of your dreams is full of risks, Nobody can see those but you always can.

Lesson 27:

Having plenty of time will let your decision sometimes confused and might affect your actions.

Lesson 28:

You will win or lose only when you compete but when you start collaborating, There is no such case of winning or losing, You are gonna win always, Doesn’t matter what the situation is.

Lesson 29:

when your happiness is not designed or decided by the huge amount of money and status of this materialistic world, In real terms then you choose to live a worry free happy life.

Lesson 30:

Going with consistency is more important than going faster.

Lesson 31:

Your health is the most expensive, precious, and unrecoverable asset of any other category.

Lesson 32:

Someday, Somehow, Somewhere your investments are going to come to you by some another way.

Lesson 33:

Never think big things Just start with little, It will encourage you to do big things.

Lesson 34:

Be like a flower that never forgets to spread the fragrance until it dies.

Lesson 35:

If nobody is supporting you then don’t forget to support yourself.

Lesson 36:

The world’s most expensive asset is your time and energy, Learn the way to protect it and invest wisely cause this asset can’t recover with any way.

Lesson 37:

Its True, There is no god in stones, But Yes these stones helps you to remind that god is everywhere.

Lesson 38:

If nobody cares about your love Try to connect your imagination with feelings. Even a non living thing will start loving you.

Lesson 39:

Bad Time is always necessary, Cause you never can feel the glory of the spotlight without darkness.

Lesson 40:

Believe in system, work with it then see System will change things for you.

Lesson 41:

Real engineering is not all about creating big revenues and talking fancy words in meetings It’s all about having attitude to solve a problem that really matters.

Lesson 42:

When you are ignored and forgotten by the whole world. Let supreme light give a chance to guide your way and see the magic happen.

Lesson 43:

The world’s most difficult thing is just to be simple.

Lesson 44:

In the endeavor of flying high like eagle i forgot to chirping like a sparrow.

Lesson 45:

Sometimes living in ultra imaginary world will let you do outstanding things

Lesson 46:

Dreams gives the purpose to your life and that purpose makes you feel alive.

Lesson 47:

Therapies are like divine tools that heal both your soul and body.

Lesson 48:

Having mindset of continuous learning is a real blessing in Kalyuga.

Lesson 49:

Nowadays we degrade ourselves on our each happiest moments.

Lesson 50:

I generally don’t bother about the money that I made hard.
I care about the money that I make through my assets even if it’s in low value. because the free cashflow gives me the freedom to live freely at any time and hard-earned money traps me in the cycle of just earning more.

Lesson 51:

Sometimes going slow gives you the enough better opportunity to settle down in your life.

Lesson 52:

No matter how much smarter you are, At some point, you have to slow down for some reason. Thats life.

Lesson 53:

Sometimes going slow is the fastest way to approach your goals.

Lesson 54:

Had teardrop in your eyes? No Worries !! Have Faith and Wait for Krishna’s Judgements, This whole world has to pay the cost for their gestures.

Cause once he said, No one who does good work will ever come to a bad end, either here or in the world to come.

Lesson 55:

Having fear of losing something always prevents you from being at a loss. cause your actions make you more aware of other unknown factors from being lost.

Lesson 56:

Every perspective can have one or more sides, We can be on only one side, but it doesn’t mean, The other sides are wrong or don’t exist. We just choose the side that suits our intuition. Having faith is good but having pride in your side’s decisions can kill you anytime, Time can change all sides. So always be cautious and respect every side and everyone.

Lesson 57:

I would prefer to be childlike even after becoming one of the billionaires of this planet, cause no money on this planet can buy the freedom of childhood. It has always been more expensive to live with free and peace of mind rather than being restless.

Lesson 58:

You are gonna make really good profits even with less revenues if you know the art of letting go of unnecessary desires and making reasonable expenses without impacting peace of mind.

Lesson 59:

When you are feeling low and not confident about taking huge steps towards goals. Take the smallest and most calculated steps and let them guide you further by their results.

Lesson 60:

When you ignore the values of priceless things which don’t expect anything from you. You start losing everything drastically.

Lesson 61:

In today’s world, we heavily invest our time, money, and energy to degrade our most expensive asset, Which is our “Mind & Body”.

Lesson 62:

Time is Huge, but Time Never Comes !!

Lesson 63:

A human’s Plan and action become useless, When he is blessed and being actioned by the supreme powers or the creator of the universe. The amazing thing is creator never takes credit for his efforts.

Lesson 64:

Acceptance is the key to satisfaction, The satisfaction leads to a peaceful and happy life.

Lesson 65:

In the world of social media where everything looks fancy and amazing, In reality, Most feel alone and have too much stress.

Lesson 66:

Nothing is so big that is beyond you !!

Lesson 67:

In most scenarios, fewer Resources, More Ability to achieve anything and More Resources, Less Ability to achieve something, Basically we are just the dummies made by our circumstances. The worse you have, The better experience to achieve anything.

Lesson 68:

Your hard-earned money should always be used to build assets, and the asset’s income should always used for desires because your hard-earned money can get hit when you stop putting in effort but your asset can bring you freedom without any further efforts.

Lesson 69:

Even small can be made huge with a proper process and huge can even make no sense when not performed with the right process.

Lesson 70:

A huge investment doesn’t make sense until it’s being done in the right place.

Lesson 71:

Control your mind first, before it starts ruling you.

Lesson 72:

Fear of losing might make you over cautious in some scenarios which can lead to unintentional wrong things.

Lesson 73:

Never disrupt your current running situation just to catch a new opportunity. This might exhaust your peace of mind if you missed something.

Lesson 74:

Kalyuga’s world is made with huge mountains of fake stories where truth is always made as false choices.

Lesson 75:

At times, bridging the gap with someone requires purposefully widening the distance.

Lesson 76:

Frequently, your instincts echo the wisdom of the supreme soul. Embrace them without hesitation, and you’ll find yourself navigating actions remarkably.

Lesson 77:

The crystal clear mind is the most amazing instrument, That makes such people most powerful on this planet. cause such brains never have any thoughts to get them pull back.

Lesson 78:

A mix of knowledge, time, and direction is required for real compounding investing development.
No way, a bundle of cash can outperform this combo since it can generate cents to trillions and purchase genuine wisdom for you.

Lesson 79:

Inspiring others with your words can be really easy nowadays, but inspiring with your actions is really tough one and that makes you the real hero.

Lesson 80:

In the era of chatgpt, still struggling to make yourself skilled enough for the worst is the true blessing.

Lesson 81:

Starvation is much better than overeating.

Lesson 82:

No one can turn your ideas into reality except you. So, listen to others, but don’t be limited by their thoughts. Instead, work hard and strive to achieve more than anyone can imagine.

Lesson 83:

Be Natural + Do Hard Work + With Honest Mindset + In right direction = Achieve Anything.

Quotes Written By — Kabir Narayan Jha

Book: Reinvent Yourself: Learn the Fundamentals of living happy life with nothing.



Kabir Narayan Jha
Kabir Narayan Jha

Written by Kabir Narayan Jha

Software Engineer & Content Creator | Ex Capgemini | Udemy Instructor 12k+ Students | Building Wakeupcoders | Helping Individual and startups Grow on YouTube.

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