Start Small, It will Encourage for Big Things — Kabir Narayan Jha
As I mentioned in my previous article, I wanted to be Marcos, but that failure helped me explore many other things in my life. After that failure, I was very confused about what I truly wanted to do. Making excuses was never a part of my life, so I had to find something that made me feel happy.
Even though I had the dream of becoming Marcos, I never used to work for the results. My focus was always on small things because I believe that simple things can bring significant changes in our lives. To achieve something big, we don’t need to do anything huge; instead, we need to follow boring and simple routines consistently. This will make us so strong that no one else could imagine. However, doing the simple and boring stuff is often the hardest part of achieving anything.
Sometimes, you won’t see instant results from those boring efforts for years, but after a long time, one day, you will see the results. For that specific day, we have to put in the effort in the simplest way, every single day.
Now, regarding the motivation behind this: for me, those smallest efforts were the pillars of motivation. They encouraged me to achieve things in life. Every time I started something, I used to create a foolproof plan, and even if I failed, I gained so much from the process. I made sure to log everything in Excel, blogs, and diaries.
When I tried to achieve the smallest task, the result didn’t matter much. I celebrated those small achievements, and they inspired me to tackle other tasks. I also assigned deadlines to even the smallest tasks. Once all the tasks were completed, and I merged everything, I would get a bigger achievement. Even if I failed, I would have gained valuable experience, which I could use to improve and ensure success the next time.
Ensuring victory always comes through practice, precision, learning, and calculation. Just doing things without any vision or understanding will never lead to success. In fact, it will give you anxiety and insecurity. An example of one of my tasks is when I made my book into an audiobook by myself and how I achieved most of it in 2024.
I also wrote a quote that inspires me whenever I feel down:
“Never think about big things; just start with little things, and they will encourage you to do bigger things.” — Kabir Narayan Jha
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